1. First connect your phone via USB to your laptop for the first time. Let the phone download the drivers it has automatically. There will be one that will not install and it will be the SGH-i917. Unplug your phone from your laptop.
2. Dial ##634# and press call. This will take you into the Diagnosis Menu.
3. When the menu comes up put in *#7284#
4. When the next menu comes up change from Zune Sync to Modem, Tethered Call
5. Choose OK and the phone will then restart.
6. Connect the phone via USB to your computer.
7. Run the Samsung USB Driver that is located here http://mirror.batteryboss.org/SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe8. After this installs, it will then fix the driver for SGH-i917 and complete the Samsung Mobile Modem driver install.
9. Next you will have to create your Dial up connection. Go to the Network and Sharing Center located here: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center
10. Go to Set up a new connection or network
11. Choose Set up a dial-up connection
12. For the information here enter
Dial-up phone number””””*99***1#
User name:””””[email protected]
13. You can check the Remember this password box so that way you will not have to enter a password every time you want to connect. Click Connect to continue.
14. On the next window you can chick Skip to finish instead of connecting.
15. On the final screen you may just click Close to Finish.
16. Your tethering connection has been created and it can accessed here:
17. Then this will come up just like a VPN connection
- To make sure that it does not try and use another modem you can go to Control Panel\System and Security\System > Device Manager and then Disable the modem that is in the laptop itself.
- In the Device Manager under Modems with the phone connected, choose the Samsung Modem. Then go to Properties and then to the Advanced tab. Enter the following in the Extra initialization commands field:
“”””””””” AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”wap.cingular”
- Also if you would like to connect to Zune you can either go back to the Diagnosis (which is now in your list of Apps) or you can setup wireless Sync.